Teddykompaniet lamps
2Teddykompaniet lamps
At Kids-world.com you can buy lamps from Teddykompaniet, which will fit perfectly in your girl or boy's room, and of course, all the other rooms in your home.
In our selection of lamps from various brands where Teddykompaniet is only one of them, you will find lamps with cords, battery-powered ones, cosy night lamps both with and without a cord and much more.
Modern Teddykompaniet lamps
Night lamps are well suited as a night light for all those boys and girls who can not fall asleep in the dark.
Teddykompaniet and other brands available on our page design lamps in a multitude of colours, designs and different sizes.
Here on our page, you can also find ceiling lamps, light chains and night lamps in fine designs, colour combinations and sizes.