Reima swimwear for kids
Reima UV-swimwear for kids
Reima swimwear is perfect for sunbathing, sea bating and splashing about in the in the paddling pool. Our hope is, that you find the swimwear for your kid(s) right here, however, should you not find any, we recommend that you browse the other brands at Kids-wear and check out their swimwear collection.
Reima swimwear is essential for your water-loving kids, however some Reima designs fit as regular shorts as well.
Smashing Reima swimwear for kids
Most kids enjoy playing outside in the summertime. On warm, sunny days you know that your kids simply love splashing about in the sea, the paddling pool or the swimming pool. Reima swimwear is great to have ready for use when warm temperatures make us yearn to cool off in the water.
Tastes vary and therefore Reima has made several designs that appeal to kids of all ages. Please note, that it is a good idea to let your kid have a say when purchasing his or her swimwear.
Prolong the lifespan of your Reima swimwear
Summertime equals time spent in the sun, saltwater and chlorine water. These elements are hard on your swimwear - this applies to all brands of swimwear. Wear and tear shorten the lifespan of your swimwear which is why we recommend you treat your Reima swimwear with great care, and prolong the lifespan of your swimwear.
Therefore, we recommend the following four stages:
1. Wash your Reima swimwear as soon as possible after use
2. Use cold water
3. Add a drop of shampoo or hand soap
4. Avoid/Do not use fabric softener, as this eventually will ruin the elasticity of the fabric
UV-protective Reima swimwear
A final piece of good advice is that you look for swimwear with UV-protection.
UV 50-protective swimwear helps protect your kids’ sensitive skin against the harmful UV-radiation. Kids-world presents a wide range of UV-protective swimwear for your kid.