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Liewood winter boots for kids

Shoe Size
Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - Dark Rosetta Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - Dark Rosetta 70,35 €
Originally: 100,50 €
Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - Army Brown Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - Army Brown 70,35 €
Originally: 100,50 €
Liewood Winter Boots - Becca - Army Brown Liewood Winter Boots - Becca - Army Brown 51,59 €
Originally: 73,70 €
Liewood Winter Boots - Becca - Tuscany Rose Liewood Winter Boots - Becca - Tuscany Rose 51,59 €
Originally: 73,70 €
Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - MEGA Leo/Oat Mix Liewood Winter Boots - Zoey - MEGA Leo/Oat Mix 70,35 €
Originally: 100,50 €

Liewood winter boots for kids

When the cold winter days announce their arrival, it's nice to be at the forefront of the wardrobe. The winter boot just needs to be in order, so that your boy or girl doesn't get cold - and that can be achieved with a pair of good winter boots from Liewood.

Winter boots from Liewood are obvious to use in the cold months, and you will find our entire selection right here in the category. You will find the Winter boots from Liewood in different sizes, colours and designs.

If your child loves to play outside when the temperature drops and it might snow, it is very smart that you find a pair of Liewood winter boots in materials that can withstand cold wind and damp weather.

Should it be long or short Liewood winter boots?

It is not always known in advance which designs Liewood decide to make this year's winter boots in. Regardless of whether it is Liewood or another brand you choose the winter boots from, the two different heights each have their own advantages.

Long winter boots from Liewood naturally go up the leg longer than short winter boots. Long Liewood winter boots are advantageous when your boy or girl plays in places where there is high snow or puddles.

The short and medium-length Liewood winter boots are especially practical when the day is about active play outside, and there is a large probability that neither heavy snow nor deep deep puddles are reported. The short winter boot from Liewood is ideal for playing outside in the cold while not hindering the kids from moving around.

Liewood winter boots in different colours

Here at Kids-world you will always find a large selection of winter boots for girls and boys - also from Liewood. If you are looking for a pair of brown, pink or perhaps blue winter boots, you will find them right here with us.

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