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Posters and pictures for the kids' room

A house is not a home unless there are some personal items in the house. One example is decorations on the walls. We all have heard that a picture says more than a thousand words and this is also true in a home.

Any poster or picture on the wall tells a story about the people who live in the house. In our webshop at Kids-world you can find some great posters or pictures for your home.

Maybe you are looking for some loving and fine posters for the kids' rooms, a poster for your cottage, or a picture as a gift to a friend or family member. No matter what you are looking for you will be able to find it here in our webshop.

Please feel free to explore our large selection to be inspired, or use the various filters at the top of the page to quickly and easily find exactly what you are looking for.

Create a cozy feeling in the room

A poster or a picture can create a feeling of comfort in a room. It might be something which is calming to look at or it might be a picture of a place which can lead your thoughts away from the stress in your life.

We also have posters and pictures which can take you into another world. Maybe it is a picture that reminds you about that trip that you took during spring break or at the beach during your last vacation.

Posters and pictures on the walls will stimulate your imagination and your kid's imagination. Maybe one of the posters is similar to the bedtime story which you read together last night. We also have many different sizes to choose from.

You can also use posters to celebrate things you have an interest in. They can be posters with specific animals, quotes or places from where you live or anywhere around the world.

Last but not least, posters can be an easy and quick way to decorate and transform a kid's room.

Maybe your kid has grown tired of a slightly childish bedroom, and would like a new look that better suits their personal expression and style. Replacing the decorations on the walls can be a great place to start and can easily change how the room looks and feels.

Large selection of children's posters

Let yourself be inspired by our large selection of decorative and adventurous posters, which bring the kids imagination to life and help shape their identity.

We have lots of different educational posters, decorative posters and humorous posters for kids of all ages. All our posters can be combined with each other, as many of our posters match both in style and theme.

Add character to the children's room with posters

For many kids, decorating their own room can help develop their decorative abilities and sense of aesthetics and art. Already at an early age it has a large significance. It helps them to develop their very own and unique style.

Posters for the children's room add edge and are a good way for the kids to show their personal style to the outside world or when they have friends over.

At Kids-world you can also buy a poster for the baby's room. A poster for the baby's room can be a cozy and decorative addition to the baby's room and help create memories. For example, you can try one of our very special hand and footprint set from Baby Art, which comes with a frame to hang on the wall.

You can also find hand and footprint set from Dooky, where you can choose an included metal box, which can be displayed and decorated in the home.

Who does not want to immortalize the time when the kids are very small? With a hand and footprint set, you have the opportunity to create a permanent memory with the kids while they are babies, by taking a print of their little hands or feet and putting it in a nice picture frame. It is also the perfect idea to give as a gift.

We also have many decorative posters that are suitable for the baby's room and designed by well-known brands such as Vissevasse. It helps to give an OK even more cozy atmosphere to the baby's room.

Posters for both the girl's room and the boy's room

In our large selection of posters, we have something that appeals to both girls and boys. Via our search filter, you can sort through our selection of posters, depending on the type you are looking for and whether you are, for example, looking for posters for the girl's room or posters for the boy's room - or both.

Many of our posters are aimed for girls and boys. This makes it easy and clear to find exactly what you need.

We also have an incredible number of beautiful and atmospheric images for the girl's room in beautiful pink colours created by the well-known brand Vissevasse. Here, for example, you can find suitable posters and images for the girl's room with cute animals and many different types of quote posters aimed at girls.

If you need to find something that is especially popular with boys, then we have a lot to offer with our funny quote posters with Batman and Fortnite. In addition, we also have several different posters for boys with pirate or gamer quotes, which fit perfectly into the boys' room.

You should simply browse through our selection, because you will definitely find several posters that can give edge and personality to the children's room.

Posters in different sizes

Generally the posters and pictures have the following widths and lengths: A4 paper size, A3 paper size, 30 cm by 50 cm, and 50 cm by 70 cm.

Selected posters and pictures are also made from recycled paper in a very high quality. Some of the posters are also printed on 100% recycled paper with motives of composited hand-printed clippings.

You can hang the pictures and/or posters directly on the wall. However, it is more stylish if you also frame the posters or pictures. The frame will also preserve the shape of the poster or picture and protect it.

Frames for pictures and posters

If you want to frame your poster or picture we offer a large selection of frames. We have frames made from solid oak, aluminum, black or white aluminium and frames for posters in maple and smoked oak.

All the frames have a timeless and beautiful design. The poster frames in maple and smoked oak are equipped with a leather sting at the top.

The frames come in the dimensions of 30cm by 40cm and 50cm by 70cm. The glass is a 2mm high quality non-reflective glass. This prevents light from lamps and outside to be reflected in the glass and hides the poster or picture.

The glass also prevents the UV rays from the sun from damaging the posters or pictures which will preserve the colors in the posters or pictures.

Posters and picture of high quality

All the posters and pictures in our webshop are made from high quality materials and you will not be disappointed with the posters you are getting from us.

We have a large selection of styles that you can choose from. We have something for the younger kids, to the school age kids, to the teenagers, and to the adults. There is a poster or picture in our webshop for every taste.

Our posters and pictures can style the kids' room, kitchen, living room, and bedroom. In fact we have posters which are great in any room in the home.

Posters and pictures with animals, nature, or text

We have posters with exciting drawings of dinosaurs and a lot of other animals suchs as Arctic animals, night animals, and circus animals. We also have a map of the world with drawings of local animals and where they live like lions in Africa and alligators in Florida and many more.

We also have posters with images of flowers like poppies, four-leaf clover, and pansies and other images from the beautiful world of nature.

If you are looking for something different we offer some posters and pictures with texts. You can find texts that are about mother and father and/or kids. There are also some quirky wordplay posters where the letters and words create an animal or a cake or something else.

Posters and pictures for kids in beautiful colours

Sometimes it's not only the design of a poster that's important, but also the colours. It can be very nice to match decorative posters with the rest of the decor in a kid's room, cottage, kitchen or anywhere else in the home. On this site, you will discover pictures and posters in a wide variety of colours. Among our poster colours, we offer blue, brown, grey, green, yellow, white, purple, orange, rose, red, black and turquoise.

Feel free to take a closer look to see if there is a poster on this page that fits your kids' needs perfectly. If you are looking for a poster in a certain colour, remember that you can use the filter at the top of the page.

Fine posters for kids with numbers and letters

Among the most popular poster designs for kids are numbers and letters. There are wonderful posters containing the complete alphabet, or individual numbers from 1 to 10. These posters are not only beautiful, but can also be great for helping your kid learn numbers and letters.

Some of the posters contain the alphabet along with animals that start with the corresponding letter. These illustrations can make it easier for your kid to remember the sounds of the different letters.

You will also find posters containing the alphabet from Cam Cam, Alfabetdyr and Vissevasse. In addition, you can find posters with figures from companies like Zebra, Studio Circus, and Vissevasse.

Posters and pictures for all types of kids

Tastes and likes differ from person to person, and that also applies to kids. Here at Kids-world, you will find posters and pictures with many different designs that appeal to kids that have different interests, aesthetics and humor. This ensures there is plenty to choose from whether your kid likes wild animals, cute animals, humour, architecture, nature, cars, kids' TV or something completely different.

We recommend that you take the time to peruse our large assortment to make certain that you find the perfect poster or picture for your kid.

We also have alphabet posters and ABC posters for kids

What could be smarter than having a nice alphabet poster for kids on the wall when they have to learn to read and write? By having an exciting and colourful alphabet poster, where each letter of the alphabet, for example i is associated with an animal that has the same first letter, the kids can quickly learn to memorize the alphabet and at the same time learn something about the animals. An alphabet poster kids is both a decorative and educational addition to the children's room.

We have many beautiful alphabet posters and ABC posters for kids from well-known Danish brands such as Vissevasse, Citatplakat, Studio Circus and Sebra.

An ABC kids poster in the kid's favorite color can also be a big hit. For example, we have alphabet posters in pink, blue, green, brown, black with a white background and white with a black background.

In the alphabet poster series from Citatplakat, you can also get an alphabet poster as a fun visual board or a colorful alphabet with animals.

Dinosaur posters for kids

If you are looking for a cool and at the same time funny dinosaur poster for kids, then you have come to the right page. We have both fun, cute and cool dinosaur posters for kids, so you can have even more masterful decoration with the children's favorite theme.

Our dinosaur posters often come in the standard size 50x70 cm, so they can fit into many nice types of frames. You can also easily find our entire large selection of frames by using the search filter and sorting by frames on our page for posters and images.

Tractor posters for kids

We have several tractor posters for the kid with a little tractor enthusiast hidden in them. Our crazy tractor poster from Dialægt is the perfect humorous feature for the children's room. This tractor poster for kids is also made of strong paper, so it can be hung up as it is, or put in a picture frame.

Remember that you can always use our search filter and filter our selection according to the keywords you are looking for. That way, you will be able to quickly find exactly the type of poster you are looking for, which may have a pair golden quotes that frames the spot.

Posters with food and drink

You can also find posters that have food and drink designs. There are posters that have donuts, Nutella posters, Easter food, trees, fruits, cucumbers, cutlery and eggs.

These posters are not only beautiful for the kids' room but also as a decoration for the kitchen.

Many posters for kids with animals

Set more colours to life and at the same time make it even more pleasant to learn about animals with one of our many posters for kids with animals. Our animal posters are almost as diverse as the world's wildlife.

For example, we have many different animal posters with world maps, which both teach the kids something about geography and about where the different animals on the globe live.

We also have a wide selection of beautiful animal motifs, educational animal motifs and funny animal motifs with all kinds of animals from well-known brands such as Vissevasse, Sebra, Alfabetdyr, I Love My Type and Citatplakat.

You can find animal posters with us that combine beautiful animal motifs with funny quotes and educational knowledge about animals. You can also find animal posters that combine the animals with letters of the alphabet.

Last but not least, you can also find many beautiful animal prints that you will never tire of hanging around.

Our selection from the animal world ranges widely from exotic animals, forest animals, farm animals, animals from the sea and many others. Are your children's favorite animals hiding on one of our many animal posters?

Posters with Danish motifs

We offer a fine selection of posters with Danish motifs from Vissevasse. These posters come in a very nice look and include designs from around Denmark. For example, there are motifs from various Danish cities such as Ribe, Fredericia, Kolding, Skagen, Aarhus and Copenhagen. There are also motifs from Danish sights such as Tivoli, the Zoo in Copenhagen, Danish coasts, bridges, forests, mills and charming garden houses.

If you would like to see the full selection, then feel free to use the filter at the top of the page to search for posters from Vissevasse.

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