Formal wear for kids
Formal wear for boys and girls - 2025
Are you or your boy or girl to be confirmed during 2025? Then you are definitely also missing some really nice formal wear, which will be one of the cornerstones of the foundation for a good day.
The Confirmation is here in 2025 still described as the party of the year for many girls and boys, where they themselves are law to confirm their baptism. It may also be that they should not be confirmed at all, but instead non-confirmed. Either way, it is at a party and celebration and in that context, they must of course look good.
That is why we have created this category with formal wear, so that you can (hopefully) quickly get an overview of the large selection and find the right formal wear.
With the large selection of formal wear, you have ample opportunity for your boy or girl to maintain his or her style - whether he or she is into the classic or not.
Formal wear in many sizes
Although confirmands are about the same age, it is different how much you grow at that age. Some are shot in the air with rocket speed while others lag a little behind. At Kids-world we have formal wear clothes for girls and boys in many different sizes, so there is something for everyone.
You can either be inspired by looking through our entire large selection or you can use the filter at the top of the page, so you only see the clothes that we have in stock in exactly your child' s size.
Traditional, modern, nice or cool?
Once upon a time, all girls had to wear white dresses and all boys had to wear dark suit. Fortunately, this is no longer the case, and your boy or girl is therefore free to choose formal wear that suit their personality and personal expression.
We have a large selection of formal wear from over 30 different Danish and international brands, so there is something for every taste and price range. There are trousers, dresses, suit, blazers, skirts, blouses, shirts, butterflies and much more. In short, we have both formal wear clothes for decorative princesses, soft guys, cool girls and cool boys, so go exploring in our large selection and see if there is nothing for you.
What should boys and girls wear for their confirmation?
What should you wear for your confirmation? Below we have compiled an overview of the types of clothes that you typically wear for your confirmation. In 2025, it is very popular with the boys and girls themselves to choose what kind of formal wear they should wear.
Formal wear clothing for boys 2025
Trousers and jeans: Many boys choose a pair of finer trousers or jeans in combination with a shirt and blazer, as the slightly more casual style is predicted to be very popular in 2025.
Shirt: A lot of boys want to wear a nice shirt for their confirmation. A shirt is the classic choice along with a nice tie or a bow tie. However, we can not help much with the colour of the shirt, as this is where the confirmand can really put his own personal touch on his outfit.
Undershirt: To prevent the shirt from appearing completely transparent, we recommend that you consider a tanktop undershirt in the same colour as the shirt.
Suit and blazer: A fine suit or blazer on a shirt or white T-shirt is definitely a good choice too. Suit and blazers are very good at highlighting the boy' s masculine appearance. Then your boy would like to look stylish and maybe look like his dad a bit, a suit or a blazer is definitely a good choice.
Accessories: If the boy wants to wear a little more than just the usual, accessories are definitely worth considering. A nice watch, butterflies and tie are the most popular, and if he has already decided that he wants to wear a shirt, you almost have to find a nice tie or a smart bow tie.
Shoes: Virtually all kinds of shoe can be used for confirmation. We have pretty much all the types of shoe that apply as formal wear - however, the shoe must of course match the rest of the formal wear. So once the formal wear are found, you should finally take a look at our selection of footwear
Formal wear for girls 2025
For the girls, the selection is just as different as for the boys. Some girls would like to wear a nice dress with tulle and lace on, others would like to keep it a little more casual with a pair of jeans and a nice top such as a lace top or nice shirt.
Dresses: Many girls like dresses and therefore also want to wear a dress to their large party. On this page you will find a large selection of dresses in many different styles. Contrary to earlier times, many believe that the dress no longer needs to be white, and therefore we have dresses in all the colours of the rainbow with or without patterns.
Skirts and trousers: Not all girls are crazy about dresses, and of course we also have beautiful trousers and skirts. You can find both fine trousers and skirts in light materials, but also jeans in different colours. Trousers and jeans can easily be paired with a feminine blouse or a nice shirt for a modern and festive look.
Shirts and blouses: If it is on a skirt or trousers, then there must also be a shirt, blouse or top. Some girls prefer a classic white shirt, while others want a little detail in the form of lace or ruffles. On this page you will find a bit of everything, but if you unexpectedly still can not find the right thing, then you can always look under our two categories Blouses and Shirts at the top of the menu.
Jackets and cardigans: The confirmation party can last a long time, and therefore it is a good idea to also have a nice jacket or cardigan when it gets colder in the evening. A jacket is obvious if you have chosen trousers or a skirt, but can also easily be worn with a nice dress. The Cardigan is typically a little more casual, but on the other hand delicious and soft and also goes well with both dress, trousers and skirt. On this page we have jackets and cardigans for girls in many different colours and materials, so you can easily find something that fits the rest of the outfit.
Accessories: When the finishing touches are made, many girls also choose to use accessories for their confirmation. Accessories come in many different forms. It can, for example, be a nice necklace or a nice bracelet. It can also be nice nail polish, a scarf or decoration for the hair such as a headband, a nice hair tie or a hair hairband. You can find more accessories by using the search box at the top of the page or by looking in the main menu.
Shoes: Which shoe your girl would like to wear to the confirmation may vary. The most important thing is that they fit well with the rest of the clothes. Once you have found the rest of the clothes, we suggest that you take a closer look at our selection of shoe. You can e.g. look at our selection of ballarina shoes, sandals, sneaker and boots.
Formal wear for everyone
There are no rules for what either boys or girls should wear, so we recommend that you take a look at our selection of formal wear. We have everything from i.a. beautiful summer dresses, shirts and nice jackets for girls and boys. So let yourself finally be inspired by the selection - maybe you will find the right formal wear here with us.
There are virtually no limits to how and how the clothing can be combined. Like so many others places, however, it is typically up to the boy or the girl themselves what kind of formal wear they would like to wear.
The selection we have gathered on this page is of course just suggestions and good ideas. If you do not find it absolutely perfect, try looking around in the others categories in the menu at the top of the page. You can e.g. look under our section with Dresses, Blouses, Jumpsuits Suit and Balzers, Shirts or something completely third.
It is only the imagination that sets the limits for the formal wear, and who knows, maybe you and your kid have the obvious idea for the perfect formal wear. If, on the other hand, you feel a little left out of ideas, then we recommend exploring the selection that we have gathered on this page, so that you can hopefully be inspired.
We have a huge selection of clothes perfect as formal wear clothes for both boys and girls. So finally take a look at our large selection and let yourself be inspired by the many smart styles. We are sure that you will probably find something that you find perfect for this year' s party.
Should you find clothes for his or her Blue Monday in the same embrace, we have gathered an exciting selection of smart styles perfect for blue Monday.
Have a great party!