Jellycat soft toys and comfort blankets
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Jellycat pacifiers, comfort blankets and cute soft toys for kids
Jellycat produces lovely pacifiers and comfort blankets that your girl or boy will definitely enjoy cuddling. Whether you are looking for a comfort blanket and comfort blanket from Jellycat for a girl or boy, you will find here in the category a varied assortment from Jellycat.
Jellycat pacifiers and comfort blankets for toddlers
A range of Jellycat pacifiers or comfort blankets are approved for use by toddlers as they are free of small, loose parts and thus do not pose a risk to your baby.
A Jellycat comfort blanket is often designed thus that the pacifier has a head that is shaped like an animal.
Among the most popular animal when it comes to a Jellycat comfort blanket is the rabbit. A Jellycat rabbit comfort blanket is therefore often also a sure hit when you need to find a comfort blanket for the little ones.
Jellycat rabbit
The cute and soft rabbit has become something of a hallmark and trademark of Jellycat over the years. Most parents of young kids have since the beginning of the 2000s become acquainted with the cute rabbit - either as a soft toy or as a comfort blanket.
The Jellycat rabbit has since become quite well known all over the world - especially in Denmark, where it is day among the most popular when it comes to buying pacifiers or soft toys for the little ones.
It was also the now well-known Jellycat rabbit that was the one that made Jellycat a well-known brand when it comes to soft toys, comfort blankets and pacifiers.
You therefore often see a Jellycat rabbit or a Jellycat rabbit comfort blanket in the bed, pram or cradle in a long number of homes in both Denmark and the rest of the world.
Jellycat rabbit sizes
You can get your Jellycat rabbit in several different sizes so that they can cover several different needs as your kid gets bigger.
The smallest Jellycat rabbit is 18 cm, while the largest Jellycat rabbit is 67 cm, so there are for all sizes and ages, where your kid can safely take his Jellycat rabbit on fairy tale.
The others Jellycat soft toys also come in different sizes. Several of them are made in several different sizes, so you can choose the same Jellycat soft toy in different varieties, depending on how large you want your soft toy to be.
Some of the variants are one size, while others of them are available in either two or three sizes, so you can easily find exactly the size of your Jellycat soft toy that fits best.
Jellycat rabbit 31 cm - The famous Jellycat rabbit
Jellycats rabbit comes as mentioned in several sizes. The best known, however, is the medium size, where you sheep a Jellycat rabbit of 31 cm.
It is usually also the size that comes in most editions and colours. You can therefore easily find a Jellycat rabbit of 31 cm. We also have a long number of just that size in our range.
If you want to easily find all our Jellycat rabbits that are 31 cm high, then just search for Jellycat rabbit 31 cm in our search box. Then you sheep see all the versions of the popular Jellycat rabbits.
You can get a Jellycat rabbit of 31 cm in pink, grey, dark blue, brown, white, black, yellow and several others colours and shades. There should thus be a really good chance that you can get exactly the colour of your Jellycat rabbit that you want.
The story of Jellycat and the famous rabbit
Jellycat is a brand known for their soft and incredibly cute soft toys and others products for kids. Jellycat releases new soft toys and products every January and July, so there are always new, fun, and incredibly soft and original products in the collection.
Jellycats soft toys are incredibly soft, fun, beautiful and the perfect gift for kids of all ages.
Jellycat in London, England in 1999, day continues to combine velvety fabrics with designs that are always cute and fun, but also stand out from the crowd.
The name ' Jellycat' came into being when a kid who loved jelly (jelly) and cats, grinning, put the two words together. The fun name fit perfectly with the whimsical and unique designs and has day become a world-renowned brand.
Since 1999, Jellycat's popularity has only grown worldwide. In 2001, they established an office in Minneapolis in 2001. day, Jellycat products are sold in the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and even Australia. Jellycat continues to create innovative designs that are highly loved by kids and adults of all ages.
Since its inception, Jellycat has worked with designers in London and around the UK. That collaboration still takes place to this day when Jellycat has to connect the soft products with designs for cute soft toys and pacifiers.
Although the Jellycat rabbit day has more than 20 years on its back, to this day they continue to experiment with their designs and choices of soft materials. As a result, Jellycat now publishes two collections each year.
We would recommend that you use our filter when searching for musical mobiles from Jellycat for your boy or girl. Regardless of your style, we can assure you that you can see the musical mobile that you and your girl or boy are looking for.
You can also use the filter to find others product types from Jellycat. If you are not successful in finding exactly the Jellycat product you want, then you can always use the search function.
Creative designs from Jellycat
Since its founding in 1999, Jellycat has made a strong mark in relation to the creativity behind the development of the new Jellycat soft toys and rags. Among other things, it has also led to Jellycat combining soft toys and backpacks.
The design of a new Jellycat rabbit or other soft toy bear is characterized by the large passion for new thinking, design and not least charm, which has been a large set of Jellycat's DNA all these years.
In addition, their strong durability, which allows your kid to have a friend throughout childhood, where their Jellycat soft toy can easily follow them from the stroller and up throughout childhood.
How can one keep renewing a soft toy or a rabbit? Jellycat tries to answer that question year after year. In fact, several times a year.
Jellycat's answer to that is that they shake the bag and are not afraid to spread out over several areas, so the soft toys are not just rabbits and bears. Over the years, you have therefore been able to get Jellycat soft toys shaped like everything from dinosaurs, penguins, dragons and squid.
Common to the many products that you can eventually get from Jellycat is that they are often characterized by their soft, but durable, surfaces.
Jellycat soft toy: Get a soft toy in the best quality
Jellycat is known for making soft toys in a high quality. You will therefore not be disappointed when you buy a Jellycat soft toy or more for your child, or for example as a gift for a child.
Jellycat soft toys are beautiful, sweet and fine soft toys made in good qualities. With a soft toy from Jellycat, you are sure that your boy or girl has gained an indispensable companion and playmate throughout childhood.
Many parents remember with warmth and joy the back of their favorite teddy bear - and a Jellycat soft toy can easily become that for your child.
Jellycat soft toys: A world of animal and cuddly teddy bears
You enter a world of almost infinite number of soft toys and rags when it comes to Jellycat soft toys and Jellycat rags.
Jellycat publishes two new collections every year, so the selection of Jellycat pacifiers and soft toys is constantly growing.
While there are various Jellycat animal when it comes to soft toys, Jellycat sticks to their popular rabbit, which hardly disappears from the product line.
Among the many Jellycat soft toys you can usually find one:
- Jellycat panda
- Jellycat Nessie
- Jellycat dog
- Jellycat dragon
- Jellycat dinosaur
- Jellycat fox
- Jellycat polar bear
- Jellycat penguin
- Jellycat butterfly
- Jellycat pig
- Jellycat monkey
- Jellycat cat
- Jellycat elephant
- Jellycat dragon
Jellycat also has several soft toys that are designed as natural objects. You can therefore also find Jellycat soft toys shaped like tree trunks, leaves, oysters and a cactus.
It is basically only the imagination that sets the limits when it comes to the different versions of the Jellycat soft toys. Although some of the different Jellycat animal have come in several versions over the years, they have always stuck to their cute and charming appearance, which has become a strong feature of Jellycat.
If your kid has a desire to have a soft toy that is designed as a specific animal, then Jellycat is a good offer for a brand that has this particular and unique soft toy that you otherwise have a hard time finding.
See more about several of the most popular Jellycat soft toys below, as we review a number of the individual types of Jellycat animal, so you can better find out which one will be the best soft toy for your child.
Jellycat squid - The largest Jellycat animal
A Jellycat squid is among the more popular Jellycat soft toys. It comes in several versions and is one of the largest Jellycat soft toys that one can get.
The largest Jellycat squid is 75 cm high, which makes it somewhat larger than even the largest Jellycat rabbit.
The squid teddy bear also comes in smaller versions and different colours. You can therefore get a Jellycat squid that is either 10 cm, 14 cm, 23 cm, 33 cm, 49 cm or the very large Jellycat squid of 75 cm.
Like several of the others Jellycat soft toys, the Jellycat squid also comes in several varieties. You can therefore also get a Jellycat squid with clip toy so that it can be used as a baby mobile or to have hanging in different places.
The different varieties of Jellycat squid come in different colours. You can therefore find different colours of squid in the different sizes.
Some of the colours in which the Jellycat squid has been released over the years have been pink, blue, green, grey and purple. So you can get your Jellycat squid in a variety of colours that are both a bit gendered but also neutral.
Jellycat dog
The dog is said to be man's best friend. It is therefore not so strange if kids are also crazy about soft toys shaped like a dog.
With a Jellycat dog, your kid can take his best friend around when the large new world needs to be explored, while at the same time having the peace of mind that even a favorite teddy bear can give you.
Jellycat elephant
The elephant from Jellycat is one of the soft toys that has become more and more popular over the years. The Jellycat elephant comes in a long variety of designs and designs.
You can get a Jellycat elephant in several different sizes. The smallest of them have a height of 26 cm, while the largest of them have a height of 32 cm.
The Colours of the different versions of Jellycat's elephant teddy bears are mostly grey and blue. So it does not matter that you see pink elephants here.
Jellycat dinosaur
Dinosaurs are and will be a popular animal among the smallest. With a Jellycat dinosaur, sheep a stuffed animal that is designed as a cute and cute soft toy, which therefore does not scare the little ones.
There are no sharp teeth, evil eyes or anything that can be scary on the various Jellycat dinosaurs.
You can also get a Jellycat dinosaur comfort blanket, where the soft toy on the pacifier is shaped like a little dinosaur.
Jellycat cat
The name Jellycat is composed of the English words for jelly and cat, so it is perhaps not so surprising that a Jellycat cat has also been made as a soft toy.
Here, the soft toy is designed like a cat, which with its soft surface is a really good soft toy to cuddle with.
Jellycat colours - how to find the right colour
day, Jellycat makes soft toys, rags and activity toy toys in a long variety of colours.
You will therefore find both colours that can often be associated with a particular gender and colours that are more gender neutral when you choose soft toys or teddy bears from Jellycat.
Jellycat's color palette shows that they know that people can both want a neutral colour or, for example, pink or blue for their kids, depending on whether it is a girl, boy or whether you just want a more neutral colour.
A long range of Jellycat handkerchiefs also come in both light and dark shades, so you can, for example, choose a Jellycat comfort blanket in a darker colour, which can better hide stains and other things that most handkerchiefs are exposed to over time.
The same goes for the many different Jellycat soft toys. The Soft toys vary not only in size but also in colours, so you can more easily find just the Jellycat soft toy that will be absolutely perfect for your child.
Jellycat book: Find the fun Jellycat books
At we have a fine and varied selection of soft books books, colouring books, wooden books, bath books or picture books from, for example, Jellycat and many others for young and large.
The kids' books from Jellycat in our range are designed especially for kids and are thus of good quality and durable.
Boys and girls, especially the little ones, like to put things in their mouths and bite into them. That, of course, is where the Jellycat books come from.
Jellycat makes both pointing books where the kids can see and point to the different images in the books, while they learn about what, for example, the room looks like or what characterizes a monkey.
With a Jellycat soft book you can help your kid feel and understand how the different animal are designed. Kids love to feel things - and that's exactly what a Jellycat soft book allows them to do.
Musical mobile from Jellycat
We have a solid selection of musical mobiles brands - including Jellycat. Musical mobiles from Jellycat are a good choice.
Buy musical mobiles from Jellycat here
If you decide to buy your girl's or boy's new Jellycat musical mobile at Kids-world, we'll be hugely happy and we assure you you will not regret it.
We have new Jellycat musical mobiles. Therefore, we trust that you can find exactly what you are looking for.
Great bite teether and rattles from Jellycat
In this category you see the entire range of Jellycat teether for girls and boys. There will definitely be a teether ring from Jellycat that suits your girl or boy.
The bite Teethers from Jellycat are designed in simple and sweet shapes. Several of the different Jellycat teether are also designed as rattles, so you sheep two things in one with a Jellycat rattle.
Activate the little ones with a Jellycat clip toy
Jellycat has a large assortment of clip toy where you sheep small soft toys. You can therefore hang a Jellycat clip toy on your kid's play gym stand or places like the pram's canopy, so there is something to play with when you go for a walk with your kid in the pram.
The small soft toys from Jellycat can also be used loosely, where your kid can use them as a rattle, as they are equipped with an extra weight at the bottom.
The selection of Jellycat clip toy is large. You can often find a long variety of animal such as rabbits, squid, frogs, elephants, foxes and lions when it comes to the many Jellycat clip toy.
The selection of Jellycat clip toy can also include things like flowers, vegetables and leaves, so you can make a very wide and varied selection, so you can thus introduce your kid to a long variety of impressions with a Jellycat clip toy at home on the activity stand or on the stroller.
Jellycat blanket - Soft baby blanket
Jellycat has transferred their soft materials, as you know it, from the popular Jellycat rags to their blankets.
You therefore sheep one of the softest baby blankets when you choose a Jellycat blanket for your baby. Among other things, Jellycat has chosen the well-known Jellycat rabbit as a motif on some of the blankets, so that your kid can recognize the rabbit and the security that a Jellycat comfort blanket or a Jellycat rabbit can provide.
The rugs from Jellycat are usually one size. However, the one size baby blanket often has a size that is so large that it can easily follow the baby for several years together with a Jellycat.
Jellycat backpack combines soft toys and backpacks
Over the years, Jellycat has developed the product line a lot, so that it is no longer only soft toys, rags and rabbits that you can get from Jellycat.
Jellycat has combined the soft toys with backpacks so you can get a Jellycat soft toy backpack. The Backpack here combines the classic things from a backpack with the soft toys from Jellycat, so you sheep an extremely soft backpack with a unique look.
Among other things, you can get a Jellycat backpack designed as an elephant, hippopotamus, dog or a dinosaur.
The Backpacks from Jellycat usually have a height of 28 cm and are fitted with two adjustable shoulder straps, so you can easily adjust it for your child.
A Jellycat backpack is extremely suitable for kids aged three and up, who can benefit large from the backpack when, for example, they need to bring their comfort blanket or soft toy on a weekend or trip.
The soft backpacks from Jellycat are designed with a zipper, which you will find on the belly of the soft toy. This makes it easy for the little ones to use, as they do not have to bother open and closing buckles.
Unleash your imagination with Jellycat activity toy toys
Most parents have from time to time experienced that their kids have played household things at home as they have seen their parents do different things. It can be anything from cleaning at home to tidying up the garden.
Jellycat has made it easy for the little ones to take set in the activities with their line of activity toy toys designed with the same soft materials that you know from Jellycat's soft toys.
With the various Jellycat activity toy toys, the little ones can let go of the role play and play with it when the parents, for example, water the flowers or tidy up the garden.
Develop your kid's motor skills with Jellycat balls
Among the many activity toy options from Jellycat are the balls, which usually come with a diameter of 10 cm.
The Jellycat balls are made of imitation leather, so they are soft, while they are durable and count the many hours of play that the little ones can get out of them.
The Balls from Jellycat can be used by the little ones, so you can already use them with your baby when he or she can use his or her arms and leg to push, so you can trille the ball between you.
A Jellycat ball can thus very well be a good introduction to a long liv with all the fun that a ball can provide.
Jellycat dolls
day, Jellycat's range also includes dolls. The cute Jellycat dolls come in several varieties and colours.
The first Jellycat dolls also came with a little wallet that the doll lives in. The purse is designed as a tall flower, so it looks like the doll emerges in an almost adventurous way.
The Dolls are made of the same soft material that the Jellycat soft toys and Jellycat are known for. They can therefore be used both for play and at putting time.
You can thus also easily combine a Jellycat doll in the game with, for example, a Jellycat soft toy, regardless of whether you otherwise have a Jellycat squid or a Jellycat dinosaur.
It will be so exciting to see what the future Jellycat collections have in store when it comes to Jellycat dolls.
Jellycat offers and sale
If you are looking for a Jellycat comfort blanket offer then you have come to the right place. We also hold Jellycat sale here at Kids-world.
If you want to be sure to get a great comfort blanket offer on Jellycat, then we would recommend that you sign up for our newsletter. Here we regularly send out emails when we have offers - this also applies to Jellycat offers and sale.
That way, you are always informed about the current Jellycat comfort blanket deals, as well as about the many others offers and sale on this page.
How to sheep a new Jellycat soft toy
Jellycat day two new collections every year. It also means that some of the earlier versions of Jellycat animal and Jellycat pacifiers are being phased out.
Jellycat is such a popular brand day that there are Jellycat collectors who collect the Jellycat soft toys.
Of course, we regularly update the page with the latest Jellycat soft toys, so you can always find them here in the overview as soon as we have them.
For each new Jellycat collection, new animal and new types of soft toys are presented, while you can experience new varieties of already known Jellycat animal.
How do I wash my Jellycat comfort blanket?
It is almost an impossible task to keep a Jellycat comfort blanket clean through all the years your little girl or boy has it. It may therefore be necessary for it to be washed once in a while, so that the little one can once again enjoy the safety-creating effect of the soft pacifier.
Most Jellycat pacifiers and soft toys can be washed. On the various Jellycat products, there are usually washing schemes on which you can see how to wash your Jellycat comfort blanket or Jellycat soft toy.
Some of the Jellycat products are machine washable at low temperatures, while others need to be hand washed. It is therefore important that you look at the washing instructions before you start, as a wrong wash can ruin the product.
If you are in doubt about how to wash your Jellycat comfort blanket, you can always contact our customer service, who will be happy to help you find the correct washing instructions for your Jellycat comfort blanket.
Maternity gift ideas: Jellycat soft toy or Jellycat comfort blanket
A comfort blanket, soft toy or comfort blanket is a must for the very young, who must have a faithful companion through the first years. Here, a Jellycat comfort blanket or a soft toy is an obvious choice when it comes to maternity gift ideas.
You never go wrong with a Jellycat soft toy when you have to give a maternity gift to a family member or a good friend who has just had a little one.
Jellycat's soft materials make them extremely popular to lie down and cuddle with when it comes to finding ro and sleep, or the little one needs to be comforted. A Jellycat comfort blanket is therefore something that most new parents will love to have for their little baby.
You can then supplement the pacifier cloth with a soft toy. Here you can get many different Jellycat soft toys, where you can choose between a Jellycat dino, Jellycat monkey, Jellycat elephant and many, many others Jellycat animal.
Home delivery on your Jellycat rabbit and comfort blanket
It can bring tears to the eyes of the little ones and create great despair in the home if the rag is gone. Therefore, it is important that a replacement can be obtained quickly if the disaster has occurred and the rag has disappeared.
This means that in the vast majority of cases you will therefore want your Jellycat comfort blanket the very next day. At best, this means that the little one only has to do without his comfort blanket for a single night before he can be safely put back with one of the popular Jellycat pacifiers.