Hust and Claire bodysuits for babies
Hust and Claire bodysuits
We stock bodysuits from many brands - including Hust and Claire. Bodysuits by Hust and Claire are made with long sleeves as well as short sleeves. Between the legs you find push buttons to use for closing the bodysuit. Hust and Claire bodysuits keep your baby warm - you do not have to worry about your kid getting a draught on his or her tummy because a Hust and Claire bodysuit is a one-piece garment and therefore, there will be no bare spots on your kid’s tummy.
Comfortable Hust and Claire bodysuits
Bodysuits by Hust and Claire for kids are very comfy and provide lots of freedom of movement for your kid. Hust and Claire make bodysuits with short sleeves and long sleeves - this is great because you then have more options when dressing your baby or toddler; if it is a warm day, a short-sleeved bodysuit is the perfect choice while in autumn and/or winter the best choice is a Hust and Claire bodysuit with long sleeves