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Say-So t-shirt for kids

Say-So T-Shirt - Stripes - Pink/Purple/Turquoise Say-So T-Shirt - Stripes - Pink/Purple/Turquoise 16,08 €
Originally: 26,80 €
Say-So T-shirt - Grey w. Palm Trees Say-So T-shirt - Grey w. Palm Trees 16,08 €
Originally: 26,80 €

Say-So T-shirts

Many girls and boys enjoy wearing a T-shirt by Say-So - good looks are important, you know.

T-shirts are perfect throughout the year - in the summer you can wear it together with a pair of shorts or a skirt on warm and sunny days. During the rest of the year, the T-shirts from Say-So is perfectly suited as a piece of clothing underneath a sweather or a cardigan. Sometimes, girls and boys will put a Say-So T-shirt on top of a long-sleeved T-shirt or a blouse - this looks fine and trendy.

Smashing T-shirts from Say-So

Somehow, T-shirts have become a rather timeless feature in our everyday clothing. Your kid can wear a T-shirt from Say-So with almost anything, therefore, most people have T-shirts as a permanent garment in their wardrobes - especially kids.

Say-So creates wonderful T-shirts that fits well with shorts, skirts and jeans. Whichever look your kid wants, he or she has lots of possibilities with Say-So T-shirts.

A vast range of T-shirts

We provide lots of Say-So T-shirts I cool style and prints. We recommend you let your kid take part in the choosing of his or her T-shirt by Say-So because boys and girls like to choose clothing for themselves.

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