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Play dough for kids

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Play Dough

Her kan du finde vores store udvalg af modellervoks til børn og barnlige sjæle. Modellervoks er et kæmpe hit hos mange børn, fordi det giver dem mulighed for at udtrykke sig selv og være kreative. Derudover så kan modellervoks bruges igen og igen. 

Med modellervoks kan man forme sin helt egen verden af sjove dyr og andre skabninger direkte fra fantasien. Her på siden kan du finde modellervoks i mange forskellige farver og fra flere forskellige mærker. Derudover fører vi også forskellige redskaber og forme til modellervoks, så det bliver endnu nemmere og sjovere at lave fine detaljer.

Kig dig omkring i vores udvalg og se, om du ikke har finde noget modellervoks til den næste krea dag.

Let your imagination run wild with a play dough

Modellervoks er noget skønt legetøj. Modellervoks giver dit barn mulighed for at slippe fantasien løs og lave alle mulige spændende ting og figurer. Udover at styrke barnets kreativitet, så er modellervoks også rigtig godt til at udfordre deres finmotorik, når der skal laves små detaljer såsom ansigtstræk på dyr og mennesker. 

Derudover så er modellervoks også rigtig godt til at lære din dreng eller pige at koncentrere sig i længere tid af gangen.

Modellervoks er også den slags leg, hvor børn og voksne sagtens kan sidde sammen og lege. Barnet vil helt sikkert synes, det er hyggeligt at sidde sammen med en forældre og kigge på, hvad mon de finder på at lave i modellervoksen.  

Play dough and polymer clay in beautiful colours

One of the reasons why the play dough is so popular is that it comes in so many beautiful colours. Here at Kids-World, you will be able to find play dough in lots of wonderful colours. Typically, we have a play dough and a polymer clay in the following colours: blue, brown, grey, green, yellow, white, purple, metallic, orange, pink, red, black and turquoise. You can find play dough in bright and vivid colours, but also in beautiful, muted colours. Also, you can find a play dough with glitter and metallic shine such as gold and silver.

In short, there is a lot to choose from, whether your kid is up for making realistic models or more imaginative figures. If you are looking for play dough in a particular colour, remember that you can use the filter at the top of the page for a quick and easy search.

Use your play dough over and over again 

One of the benefits of play dough is that it can be used over and over again. That means that fun is guaranteed for many hours and days. In order for the play dough to be used again, it is important to store it properly in its airtight container. If the play dough has become too dry to shape it, then you can easily add a few drops of water to soften it again.

If, on the other hand, you want to save the figure that your kid has made, then most figures can be dried out in the oven at approx. 60 degrees for 2-6 hours depending on the size of the figure. Usually, you will be able to find the exact instructions on the individual packages of play dough or in the product descriptions on this page.

Find different tools for play dough 

In addition to the play dough itself, you can also find various tools for play dough on this page. Some of them come with packs of play dough included, while others can be purchased separately.

For example, there are packages of wooden utensils consisting of a rolling pin, cutting board and knife. You can also find stamps with different motifs as well as moulds shaped like animals, transport vehicles and many other shapes. With the various tools, it is easy to make beautiful shapes with small, fine details.

Last but not least, you can also find playmats that can be used when your kid is playing with play dough or when drawing or painting, to protect your dining table, desk or wherever your kid loves to sit and play.

Polymer clay in lots of different varieties

It is also here on the site that you can find fun, polymer clay. Polymer clay is wonderfully easy to work with and does not dry out on its own. Therefore, it should also be hardened in the oven, typically at 110 degrees for 10-30 minutes, depending on the size of the figures. Besides, the clay is dimensionally stable during curing, which means that the various small details will not flow together. When the figures are finished baking, they can be painted or additionally decorated.

You can find polymer clay in many beautiful colours and, also, we have glossy and matt lacquer, which can be applied. The figures that your kid makes of polymer clay can be used as kids' Christmas gifts for parents, grandparents or others who could be happy with a nice, homemade and personal gift.

Buy play dough in a set

On this page, you can find sets of play dough in many colours. When you buy a set, you are sure that your kid can get started with the game right away, as the set usually contains everything you need to get started. We have sets of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 12 different colours of play dough. Of course, you can also buy several colours separately if you only need a single colour.

In addition to sets with different colours, many of the sets also come with tools that your kid can use to make fun shapes and figures. Some of these have special themes, while others can be used for a bit of everything.

A set of play dough can also be a great gift idea, both for birthdays and Christmas - if you know a kid who loves to be creative and use his/her hands.

Organic play dough

In our range, you will also find organic play dough. It is never intended that kids should eat play dough, but if it does happen, then it can be nice to know that the content is organic. On this page, you can, for example, find organic play dough from Ailefo and The Wild Hearts. These types of play dough contain only natural and organic ingredients.

If you want to know what a certain kind of play dough is made of and whether it is organic, then you can always read more under each product description. If you have other questions, you are also always welcome to contact our customer service, who are ready to help and answer all your questions via both email and telephone.

Play dough from various brands

You can find play dough from several different brands here at Kids-World. Therefore, you can always find a lot to choose from - there are, for example, play dough in several different price ranges and variants. Some brands are specialized in making beautiful sets in fun themes, while others have a large selection of colours and finishes.

Among our range, you can also find play dough from Play-Doh, Playbox, SES Creative, Djeco, The Wild Hearts and Silly Doh.

If you are looking for play dough from a particular brand, do not forget that you can use the filter at the top of the page.

Popular brands

Spirograph Crocodile Creek Posca
Kinetic Sand Hama Gemex
Aquabeads Play-Doh Fiskars

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