Light chains
26A cool light chain for your kid's bedroom
If you want to make your little one's bedroom even cosier or if you would like some interesting lighting over the changing table; you can easily achieve this with a light chain.
The light chain is either powered by battery or mains power - you can find more information regarding this in the individual product description of your chosen light chain.
We have a wide range of light chains in stock. In our shop you can find light chains in different shades of neutral colours, or bright, colourful designs. We have a light chain to fit most interior styles.
Light chains in beautiful colours
Here at Kids-world, you will find light chains in a wide variety of beautiful colours. There are both solid colour light chains as well as light chains that have several different colours. You can find light chains in blue and green, rose, grey and white, purple shades and much much more.
There are light chains available in dusty colours and in beautiful, vivid colours. Therefore, there is plenty to choose from, which makes it easy to find a light chain that fits perfectly in your kid's room, on your balcony or over the changing table.
Last but not least, you can also find light chains in different lengths and with different numbers of lights and balls. It's a good idea to decide in advance how long a light chain needs to be.
Feel free to take a look around our selection, be inspired, and see if there is anything you would like on this site.
Light chains with rabbits
In addition to traditional light chains with light balls, you can also find light chains with other designs, such as rabbits, on this site. Rabbits all sit in a nice, neat row, and light up when the light chain is turned on. These rabbits come in an incredibly cute, fine design, and therefore function not only as a light source, but also as a decoration in the kid's room.
Light chains create a cozy atmosphere
A light chain is perfect for putting the finishing touches on a kid's room. Light chains provide a cozy, delicate light. The colour of a light chain determines what kind of light it provides. That being said, a light chain with red or rose spheres provides a reddish light, while a light chain with blue and green spheres provides a blue-greenish light.
Whichever you choose, you can be certain that a light chain will create a cozy atmosphere, and can also be used to create that same feeling in a play house or play tent.