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Pom Pom winter boots for kids

Shoe Size
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Rub Sole Velcro Tex - Asphalt Pom Pom Winter Boots - Rub Sole Velcro Tex - Asphalt 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Sneaker Wool Booty - Old Rose Pom Pom Winter Boots - Sneaker Wool Booty - Old Rose 478,48 kr.
Originally: 956,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Deep Rouge Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Deep Rouge 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Deep Rouge Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Deep Rouge 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Grape w. Pointelle Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Grape w. Pointelle 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Asphalt Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Asphalt 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Rose Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Rose 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Navy Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Navy 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Camel Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Dark Camel 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Taupe Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Taupe 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Navy Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Navy 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Asphalt Pom Pom Winter Boots - Tex - Asphalt 717,48 kr.
Originally: 1.434,95 kr.
Pom Pom - Chunky Chelsea Boot - Camel Pom Pom - Chunky Chelsea Boot - Camel 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.
Pom Pom Winter Boots - Navy w. Lining Pom Pom Winter Boots - Navy w. Lining 637,98 kr.
Originally: 1.275,95 kr.

Pom Pom winter boots for kids

As soon as the wonderfully warm summer days are gone and autumn has arrived, it will not be too long until winter says hello. That means, it is time for new winter boots for your kids. Feet need to be warm and comfortable - Pom Pom winter boots are perfect for this.

Pom Pom are the obvious choice and you find the entire selection of winter boots right here. Pom Pom winter boots come in different sizes, colours and styles. Naturally, the Pom Pom winter boots are made from weatherproof materials, thus they are perfect for winter in all its splendour!

Pom Pom winter boots - high and low

You never know what sort of winter we get - sometimes we get heavy snowfall, sometimes winter feels like an unending rainy day. Pom Pom and many other brands make winter boots of diverse heights - each favourable in its own way.

High Pom Pom winter boots are fairly high and therefore practical for days of heavy snowfall providing deep snow and on days with lots of rain or sleet with alluring puddles for your kids to play in.

Mid-high or short Pom Pom winter boots are great when your kids are playing outside in the snow or when they jump into puddles - they are so tempting, are they not?

Basically, the short winter boots are perfect for the playground and the woods because this type of boots give freedom of movement.

Pom Pom - plenty of colours to choose from

Kids-world presents lots of winter boots from many brands to choose from - for boys and girls - you will not be disappointed when you browse our collection. We promise you, you have come to the right place.

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