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Would you be interested in becoming a Kids-world influencer and ambassador? Please continue reading here.

We are thrilled that you want to share your experiences with us and our selection of products. Thank you for your interest.

Currently, we have existing partnerships with influencers on various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and personal websites. Therefore, we do not need to make new agreements at this time.


We expect that the values you express are only your personal values and that they are presented in a format which is kind and family friendly. This applies both for your own and other channels.


The type of compensation for influencers may vary based on our agreement. It could include products or gift cards for our online store.

Apply to Become an Influencer

Note: We have experienced a huge interest in our influencer program, and if you choose to send us an application, a longer waiting period before we get back to you is expected. Please know that we cannot guarantee an agreement with all applicants.

It is important for us to find the perfect match, so we kindly ask that you provide specific information for us to evaluate whether we are a good fit or not.

Please see the list below for the type of information we need from you:

Are You Using Instagram

You need to have at least 2.500 real followers, who are engaged on your profile via likes and comments.

  • What is the general topic for your profile?
  • For how long have you used Instagram?
  • Approximately number of likes per post
  • Approximately number of comments per post
  • Approximately numbers of views per story
  • Percentage of your posts that are sponsored?
  • Links to your social media profiles (Instagram, Facebook etc.)
  • What brands and companies are you currently associated with as an influencer?
  • Whom have you previously been associated with as an influencer?

Are You Using Instagram and Do You Have Your Own Website

You need at least 1.000 unique visitors per month on your website as well as 2.500 followers on Instagram, who are engaged on your profile via likes and comments.

  • What is the general topic for your profile/blog?
  • For how long have you been a blogger?
  • Approximately number of likes per post
  • Approximately number of comments per post
  • Approximately numbers of views per story
  • Percentage of your Instagram and blog posts that are sponsored?
  • Links to your social media profiles (Instagram, Facebook etc.)
  • Please provide a link to your website
  • Number of visitors on your website for the past 90 days?
  • Where does your website get traffic from? (search engines, social media or newsletter - please provide us with a screen dump)
  • What brands and companies are you currently associated with as an influencer?
  • Whom have you previously been associated with as an influencer?

You Only Blog on Your Own Website

You need at least 1.000 unique visitors per month on your website.

  • Please provide a link to your website
  • Percentage of your blog posts that are sponsored?
  • Number of visitors on your website for the past 90 days?
  • Where does your website get traffic from? (search engines, social media or newsletter - please provide us with a screen dump)
  • What brands and companies are you currently associated with as an influencer?
  • Whom have you previously been associated with as an influencer?

Are You Using YouTube

You need to have at least 20 videos on your YouTube channel and at least 1.000 subscribers.

  • Please provide a link to your YouTube channel
  • Number of subscribers
  • Approximately number of videos you publish per month
  • What type of audience do you have on your YouTube channel
  • Your ideas to how we can make an agreement

Apply: Please send your application to marketing@kids-world.dk.