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DYR leggings for kids

DYR Leggings - ANIMALCheetah - Grey Viola Flutter DYR Leggings - ANIMALCheetah - Grey Viola Flutter 15,30 €
Originally: 25,50 €

Leggings from DYR for kids

At lower temperatures a pair of shorts or a dress are probably not adequate to hold your kid from becoming too chilled. DYR leggings or tights might be just the right clothing for your girl or boy.

We offer lots of DYR styles for kids, along with a great choice of colours, tones and prints.

DYR leggings are available of lively or neutral colours such as rose, that is how we can ensure you that you can find just the right DYR leggings, appropriate for your girl’s and boy’s bureau.

Modern DYR leggings here

We store a great selection of tights and leggings for toddlers and youngsters from trademarks, like DYR. Our immense assortment of leggings by a large number of designer labels will leave you with many designs to buy from.

If you are unable to find a pair of leggings from DYR, you have a large number of other designer labels to purchase from. Everything you need to do is to browse through the whole list of leggings.

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