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Compass for kids

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A pair of compasses suitable for kids

Many hours of play and learning await with a pair of compasses that helps kids make both circles and understand the mathematical discipline of geometry. The pair of compasses will therefore be a constant companion during the childhood and adolescence, as it must be used almost all the way through primary school and subsequently in several upper secondary educations.

That is why we have a large selection of compasses at Kids-world, so you can easily find a compass for your kid - whether it is for the purpose of the kid being able to unfold his or her creativity at home or whether it is in connection with school.

We have a large selection of compasses in different colours, so you will find both the classic grey and black compasses, but you will also find blue, green, and pink compasses.

If you want to be updated on our current offers, whether you want to buy a pair of compasses or something completely different for kids, then you can stay updated via our newsletter.

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