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Outdoor toys for kids

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Liewood Bath Toys - Adalyn Whale - Whale Blue Liewood Bath Toys - Adalyn Whale - Whale Blue 22,80 €
Originally: 45,60 €
Liewood Beach Set - Donny - Whales Multi Mix Liewood Beach Set - Donny - Whales Multi Mix 14,05 €
Originally: 28,10 €
Puma Football - Prestige - Yellow Puma Football - Prestige - Yellow 13,40 €
Originally: 26,80 €

Outdoor toys for kids of all ages

If you are looking for toys for outdoor toys for your kid then you have found the right place. In our shop at Kids-world you can find a large selection of toys for outdoor toys and other outdoor activities.

A lot of kids love to play outside no matter which month the calendar shows, and this is why you will find toys for all seasons here at Kids-World.

For example, we have scooters and roller skates/inlines for kids, who like to be active while they are outside. These are also great to bring on the walk if the kid is not old enough to walk too far.

We also offer shovels and buckets etc. in all different colors, if your kid likes to play in the sandbox or at the beach. Our toys for the sandbox or the beach comes in all different shapes and colors.

We have different vehicles, which can be used in the backyard, at the beach, in the sandbox, or even in a kid's pool.

Explore our large selection or use the different filers at the top of the page to get a quick and easy overview of the different types of toys available for outdoor use.

Activities, imagination, and play

We also have telescopes, blocks for building towers, frisbees in lots of different colors, Krea swing, and much more.

Nature is a great place for kids to play and explore. This allows the kid to use imagination and some of the games can be very captivating.

If you do not have access to nature nearby, we have a solution. We offer a lot of toys that you can create your own little world with, in your backyard, patio or balcony.

Most kids love to play outside, which is why we offer such a range of outdoor toys.

There is nothing better than being able to breathe in the fresh air and it is almost better if this is done while being occupied by building with blocks, swinging, or driving around on a scooter.

Lots of options for outdoor toys

In our shop at Kids-world you will find a lot of toys, which can be used for outdoor play with your kid.

Outdoor play can be as easy as bringing a frisbee to the park or riding a scooter around the park. It can be hours of fun time for you and your kid and both of you get to enjoy the fresh air.

If your kid is a little bit older and has a good balance then roller skates/inlines can be a fun activity.

As your kid gets better he or she might be able to hold a race with friends to see who is the fastest on roller skates/inlines.

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Outdoor toys in the sandbox or at the beach

Another favorite amongst kids is the sandbox. There are no limits for the imagination and the kid is able to create anything they want. It is also easy to build something different and new every single time.

Therefore, we offer a large selection of shovels, buckets, shapes, excavators, and a lot more outdoor toys, which can be used in the sandbox. All of these outdoor toys can also be used at the beach or other places where there is sand.

During the outdoor play in the sandbox or at the beach, a kid's (and also their parents') imagination and ability to design and build different types of buildings and other objects are tested.

Even if it is frustrating it can be a lovely experience for the kid to feel the accomplishments of building impressive structures of sand.

Outdoor play and activities with a scooter

We have many supercool scooters in lime green, pink, and blue. A scooter is a perfect first vehicle for your kid. A scooter allows your kid to join your walk even if it is too far for the kid. The kid can walk parts of it and ride on the scooter for other parts of the walk.

Some of the scooters which we offer have three wheels. The scooter has two wheels in the front and one in the back. The wheel in the back has a break which the kid can operate with the foot.

The scooter is easy to control with the handlebar and there is also a small button in the front between the two wheels. The button locks the wheels. This feature makes the scooter safer for younger kids.

These scooters are recommended for kids between the ages of 1½ year and 6 years old.

Adjustable scooter for outdoor activities

These particular scooters are easy to transform as the kid grows. It can first be used as a ride-on scooter where the parents control the scooter and the kid holds onto the handlebar for practice.

This is done thanks to the elevated seat. The elevated seat allows the parent to go behind the scooter and help control the scooter when needed. This handle for the parent can be removed when the kid is old enough to control the scooter on their own.

After the handle has been removed this ride-on scooter becomes a regular scooter. The handle of the scooter can be adjusted to three different heights to fit your kid as he or she grows.

We also offer outdoor toys for older kids

In addition to these scooters, we also offer regular scooters in lime green or blue color. Some of the scooters have three wheels, which makes them more stable. We also offer regular scooters with two wheels. Some of the scooters are made of aluminum and therefore they weigh less.

The handlebar has EVA foam with rubber at the ends to make it more comfortable to use the scooter. The wheels are made from polyurethane (PU) which gives a good suspension.

Outdoor play on roller skates

The roller skates/inlines here in the shop are available in black with details in purple or light purple. The roller skates have a higher edge which gives extra support to the kid's foot. This is good for younger kids or beginners since it can help with the balance.

It is very important to check the size guide in order to find the right size for your kid. A roller skate which is too large can be dangerous for your kid as it creates an increased risk of falling. We offer dimensions as a help, which may vary by a few millimeters.

To summarize, we have a huge assortment of outdoor toys which can stimulate a kid's imagination and interests.

Combine play and workout

Outdoor play is not only lots of fun, it is also a healthy thing for kids to play outside. They get a lot of fresh air and potentially also exercise. A lot of people think of exercise only in relation to doing sports, however, you boy or girl also gets a lot of exercise when they play.

Here you will find all kinds of toys which demand active play and exercise. You will for example find scooters, jump ropes, roller blades, kick bikes, frisbees and waveboards. The kid will easily spend hours of playing outside with these kinds of toys. They can be used in the yard, the driveway, the garden, in the park or on a quiet residential street.

Outdoor games for kids

We of course also have different kinds of games for outdoor use. Games are the obvious choice if you have more than one child, or if you and your kid likes to play together outside. These games are also easy to bring with you on weekend trips, to the park or the beach.

You can for instance find egg racing games, water shooting games, floating games, outdoor dominoes, tug-of-war, croquet, Jenga towers, potato-sack race and beach tennis.

These games are not only fun for everyday use and on holidays, they are also a hit at kids's birthday parties and other big events with a lot of kids.

Find toys to explore nature

If your little boy or girl is an upcoming biologist or simply find it funny and exciting to explore nature, you will find tools and toys for this purpose. With a small net or a shovel, it is possible for your kid to discover what is hiding under the sea level, in the lake or in the soil.

Your kid can learn about local nature and the local environment - about everything from the smallest ant to the biggest trees.

In our selection you will find shovels and buckets, butterfly nets, insect boxes and garden sets. All of these toys will make it possible for your girl or boy to explore and learn about nature and its magical creatures.

Many different kinds of toys for outdoor use

Here at Kids-World you will find a large selection of different types of toys for outdoor play. We offer bath toys, balls, play tents, kick scooters, shovels, sleighs, sand play sets and games.

If you are interested in a specific type of toy, then use the filter at the top of the page to filter the different categories. You can also scroll through the different pages and be inspired. Who knows, you may find something you hadn't thought of before.

Find beautiful umbrellas for kids

In addition to toys for outdoor play, we also offer a nice selection of umbrellas for kids. Kids' umbrellas are generally smaller than regular umbrellas, which makes it easier for the kid to control the umbrella.

The umbrellas we offer here at Kids-World come in many different patterns, colours and motifs.

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